This is the first time that I’ve done a half-weekly update, and I was going to wait until I hit 37 weeks on Thursday, but now that things are actually happening, I felt the need to update a couple of days early. That combined with the possibility of labor at any given point now {since I’ll be full-term on Thursday, and I had Shane at just 37 weeks & 1 day} means an update was much needed!
How Far Along: 36 weeks & 5 days
Due Date: February 6, 2014
Boy or girl: Boy
Baby’s Development:
Your baby is gaining about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of romaine lettuce). He’s shedding most of the downy hair that covered his body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Most likely he’s in a head-down position, but if not, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version (ECV).
Movement: Despite being so big at this point, his movement doesn’t seem to have slowed down much. He definitely does have his distinct sleep times, but whenever he’s awake I’m pretty sure he’s practicing to be a gymnast. I had to have a non-stress test {more on that below} &it was almost impossible to achieve a baseline for his heart rate because he was so active the entire time! I got to watch him punch & kick on the ultrasound, which was really fun.
The Bump:
Symptoms: This is where it gets fun. {Not really.} So in addition to the return of my morning sickness {in a much milder & not as constant form, thank goodness} I now have to worry about my blood pressure. I have never in my life had blood pressure issues- pregnant or otherwise- but two weeks ago it ran slightly high & they said they’d keep an eye on it. Well, this week it was scary high & my doctor stepped in and immediately ordered a bunch of tests, etc. I have been having frequent headaches, but there was no protein in my urine so they are not calling it pre-eclampsia at this point but rather watching it very closely because things can change quickly with blood pressure. In addition to the weekly OB visits I had already scheduled, I now have to go in for non-stress tests twice a week. I also had to do blood work yesterday {&have more tomorrow} to make sure everything is okay. My primary concern is a happy & healthy baby, so I’ll be happy as long as I get that. That said, I wouldn’t mind him coming on the earlier side so that I can stop holding my breath with anxiety all the time. {&Juggling all of these doctor appointments with a four year old isn’t helping either.}
Cravings: Eh. I had a one-night craving for ice cream, which I satisfied, but otherwise I’m just eating because I have to at this point. Between feeling sick & having headaches, I haven’t been feeling good enough to actually enjoy it.
Medical stuff/appointments: As mentioned above, I saw my doctor this week. Baby’s heart rate was 160bpm {it’s always so fast!} &he was measuring right on target at 37 weeks {I was 36 weeks & 4 days when I went in so that’s definitely close enough}. When I went for the non-stress test today, everything was perfect with baby. Fluid level was good, movement was good, heart rate was good & even my blood pressure was better than yesterday. Fingers crossed it all stays like that!
Something I am excited about: Meeting my baby boy!
Something I am not so excited about: With all of these complications, I do worry about my chance of a VBAC. My doctor doesn’t seem too worried about it in that regard, so I am trying not to worry myself, but at the same time I’m preparing myself more so than before that I could be facing a repeat C-section. If anyone wants to cross their fingers for me, I’d appreciate it!
Baby purchases: Tonight we ordered a few finishing touches for baby’s nursery. We bought the rug & curtains I’d been longing after for awhile and are in the process of looking for a little bit more décor. I can’t wait until everything gets here so I can share his nursery!
Shane’s Thoughts: Shane seems to know exactly when baby is coming- or so he says. I keep telling him at night that he needs to let me sleep {he has a habit of calling me into his room ten times a night} because the baby could come at any time & I need my rest. In response, he always tells me that he “knows” the baby isn’t coming yet so he can totally still call me. Sigh.
Despite his denial, I can tell he’s really excited- every Monday is Show & Tell Day at school and Shane is so excited to bring a picture of baby brother once he’s here that he keeps reminding me about it every Monday. He also loves helping out with anything baby related, and had a blast working on the nursery with us the last couple of weeks. Over the weekend, he packed his suitcase for when baby comes since he’ll be spending the night at Justin’s parents’ house- it is overflowing with toys & contains exactly zero actually useful items.
Read More:
Weeks 32-34
Weeks 29-31
Weeks 26 – 28
Weeks 24 & 25
Weeks 22 & 23 Update
Gender Reveal
Week 20 & 21 Update
Week 19 Update
Week 18 Update
Week 17 Update
Week 16 Update
Week 15 Update
Week 14 Update
Week 13 Update
Week 12 Update
Week 11 Update
Week 10 Update
Pregnancy Reveal
Did you deal with any end-of-pregnancy complications?
Penelope says
Lol, I was about to eat a romaine lettuce salad…I’m going to putit off for a bit 🙂 I’m so happy with how wonderfully you are coming along!
Marcie W. says
Hang in there! I had pre-eclampsia with my first child and knew things got serious when I started seeing floaters and had impaired vision along with my headaches. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts!
Keely Hostetter says
Getting there! I always started to grow a little anxious at this point.
Jenn says
You look great, Mama! Hope the next few weeks go by quickly for you.
Maria Iemma says
I want to wish you and baby an easy delivery and lots of blessings.
Amy says
Yea! So Close! And you have the perfect bump! I love it! Cant wait to meet him!
Sherri Lewis says
Fingers crossed that everything goes well, and you won’t have to have another c-section!
saminder gumer says
that is awesome. my sister is going to have a baby by this friday (either naturally or by inducing it). we don’t know the gender and that is kind of fun.
Alesha @ Full Time Mama says
You’re in my prayers that all will be okay, but I know you and little man will be fine! 🙂 SO exciting to know it’s almost here!!!!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I’m totally crossing my fingers for you, Shell!` I hope this last little waiting period is easy and as smooth as possible for you.
TerriAnn @ Driving Mama says
How exciting and what a beautiful baby bump you have 🙂 I’m sorry to hear about your blood pressure but I hope both you and baby and fully healthy in just a little bit!
Janet W. says
I know you must be so excited to meet your baby boy! You don’t have too much longer to go until that special day!
Sandra VanHoey says
Hate hearing about your blood pressure and I’d like to say get as much rest as you can but know that with a 4 year old, that doesn’t happen too easily. I pray you go in early so you can avoind all these issues with blood pressure, etc. Keep us updated, I am so excited to see pics of him.
LyndaS says
I am glad that you are okay. I hope that the rest of your pregnancy is unremarkable and that the delivery goes super smooth.
Mellisa says
Your almost there! Sorry to hear about your blood pressure.
Tammy S says
I hope the blood pressure stay under control. You & your baby boy are in my thoughts & prayers. Try and not stress about it to much. It sounds like your doctor is on top of it. Take care.
Theresa @ Faith and Family Reviews says
You have such a cute little baby bump. 🙂
I had stress tests with my first and after that I don’t think I had any. My last pregnancy I struggled with low iron pretty much the entire pregnancy and it took a while after he was born to get it to the point where I wasn’t feeling tired all the time.
Hope your blood pressure returns to normal or baby boy decides to make his appearance soon. Rest up!
Donna says
Your baby bump is so small compared to the huge behemoth of a baby bump I had at 36 weeks. 🙂 I’m so excited for you!
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
You are so close! I always remember your due date because it is my birthday. 🙂 I’m rooting for you and a successful VBAC!
Kelsey Apley says
I am sorry your are having some issues and no fun with morning sickness! I am very happy and excited for you guys, and what a great update, thanks for sharing!! Your bump is just SO cute!!!
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
You’re almost there. Sorry you’re having issues. I hope everything clears up and it’s smooth sailing from now on.
Sarah L says
It’s fun that your son wants a picture of the baby for show and tell. Did he tell you when he knows the baby will come?
Anne says
What an exciting time for you and your family! Glad to hear you’re getting good medical care and that they’re keeping up with any issues that arise. I’ll keep a good thought for you.
Rachel @ Following In My Shoes says
Goodness, be careful! I hope the remaining weeks stay uneventful.
Robin Gagnon says
Lil dude needs to hold out, so we can have the same birthday…lol
Stefanie says
Your pregnancy went by fast!
Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins says
I truly do hope your blood pressure stays under control.
Colleen says
I can’t believe it is almost time I remember when you announced it. Not too long now.
Mickey says
The end is sooo uncomfortable, but filled with such excitement! I look forward to hearing your good news soon. 🙂
Kathleen says
What a cute baby belly you have. My belly button never popped with any of the five I was pregnant with. Hope he comes soon and we get to see pictures!
Toni says
Yay you are so clase. I had 2 VBAC so I have full hope that all will be fine 🙂
Crystal @ Simply Being says
I hope your blood pressure stays under control. Not too much longer now.
Tammy says
I can’t believe how close you are to the home stretch now and are ready to welcome this little boy into your family!
Penelope Guzman says
Your bump is sooo cute!
Toni says
I love this journal you did. I wish I had been blogging during my pregnancies.