It’s getting to be crunch time around here! With only a couple of weeks to go until the third trimester {not to mention the holiday season about to kick into high gear} we’ve been racing around trying to get this nest ready for baby. It’s been exhausting, and we definitely still have more to do, but it’s {finally} starting to feel so real!
How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Due Date: February 6, 2014
Boy or girl: Baby boy!
Baby’s Development:
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — 1 1/2 pounds — isn’t much more than an average rutabaga, but she’s beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she’ll start to look more and more like a newborn. She’s also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you’d now be able to discern its color and texture. -via
Movement: This kid’s kicking is out of control! I wasn’t surprised when one of my daily update emails mentioned that I am in the middle of the three most active weeks of movement. I can clearly see him moving {which I admit is equal parts awesome & freaky} and can not only feel his kicks but can also tell when he’s pushed up against my belly. He’s starting to get a sleep pattern, too!
The Bump:
Picture coming soon, I keep forgetting to have Justin take a picture & selfies aren’t working out.
Symptoms: I’ve been feeling pretty good finally. I am big enough now that I’m having some trouble doing some things {getting in & out of our high bed isn’t fun for my short self, and bending over to get something is a whole process} but nothing too bad yet.
Cravings: Chocolate, but that could just be because it’s only a few days until Halloween!
Food aversions: Still meat, but not as bad.
What made me cry this week: I’m a bit late, but I just heard about the whole #AJO thing. My heart is breaking for her family &at the same time, they are so inspiring. If you haven’t read this story, you should really take a minute to do so.
Medical stuff/appointments: Last week I went to the doctor for my dreaded glucose test- only to be told I’d have it in four weeks. Works for me! They gave me the bottle of whatever that nasty stuff is called to take home so I can just drink it before I come instead of waiting for an hour once I get there so that is actually pretty nice.
Everything looked great at the appointment, no issues at all. Before I left, the receptionist scheduled all of my remaining visits- it’s crazy to me to think how close we are to baby already! This is the last time that I will go a full month without a doctor’s appointment- starting next month we’re down to every 2 weeks, which is when this whole thing really starts flying by.
Something I am excited about: Decorating the nursery! We have made a TON of progress in the whole office-to-nursery renovation over the last couple of weeks, so we’re almost ready to start doing up the nursery. {&Of course, I’ve been stalking Pinterest for inspiration- check out my Nursery Inspiration board if you’re curious about what we’re going for!}
Something I am not so excited about: In the process of dreaming up our nursery, I realized that Shane’s baby furniture isn’t fitting into the equation. I should have noticed that earlier- we knew we needed a new crib &that we weren’t going to be going with the cherry wood we had last time, but I didn’t think about it. I’m excited to get new stuff for this baby, but I’m sad to see Shane’s stuff go! I didn’t mind giving away his crib because he never slept in it, but I changed him on that changing table thousands of times &stored his first teeny tiny clothes in that dresser! I will definitely be sad to see them go.
Baby purchases: My friend Kay makes these adorable crochet animals, so I ordered an elephant for the baby! Isn’t he adorable?!
{Picture courtesy of Kay}
Shane’s Thoughts: Since we’ve been doing so much to the house, Shane’s starting to get a little anxious about all of the things we’re getting rid of. Things he never cared about before are suddenly his favorite things ever, like our old computer desk. So far he hasn’t seemed to actually associate any of this particular change with the baby, but I’m keeping an eye on it & trying to help him through his anxiety.
On the other hand, he’s still super excited &asks me just about daily if he can hold the baby when he comes out. He finally asked both Justin & I {separately} how the baby got in there… we both changed the subject immediately. I know we’ll have to address this one day {even with a 4-year-old version} but for today, crisis averted.
Read More:
Weeks 22 & 23 Update
Gender Reveal
Week 20 & 21 Update
Week 19 Update
Week 18 Update
Week 17 Update
Week 16 Update
Week 15 Update
Week 14 Update
Week 13 Update
Week 12 Update
Week 11 Update
Week 10 Update
Pregnancy Reveal
How did you decorate your nursery?
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I always thought it was really nuts to see the baby moving too, especially when a foot or hand slid from side to side. Freaky is right!
Maybe you could just put things aside instead of actually removing them from the house just yet to make Shane feel a little less nervous.
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
What a sweet first purchase! Your baby boy will love it!
Tammy says
Since we have an only child, I’m always interested in hearing how siblings react to the idea of having a new little one around. Sounds like Shane has all the curiosity to make you guys have to come up with some good distractions LOL!
Sheri says
I”m looking forward to the picture! You sound like you’re doing well.
Kelsey Apley says
Awww how fun!!! I am a huge chocolate fan so it is fun to see that is your craving. That lil elephant is darling!!!
Marcie W. says
Time seems to be just flying by, but I’m sure that’s easy for me to say. I adore that precious elephant toy.
Alesha @ Full Time Mama says
That elephant is ADORABLE, and a great little gift for baby! 🙂 Kay does a great job!
I can’t believe it’s down to 2 wk visits next. Crazy fast! Can’t wait to see his little face and hear how Shane reacts to having baby at the house and being able to hold him! <3
Paula @ Frosted Fingers says
It is creepy to see your belly move, right? My baby is loving my left side under my ribcage lately. UGH! I’m 27 weeks today. I really need to get into the girls’ room and start cleaning/organizing so I can set up the crib and start getting ready. Maybe tomorrow.