I can not believe August is already here! I remember being 5 weeks along, when morning sickness first hit, and being so excited for this month because next week brings the second trimester & hopefully an ease in symptoms. This summer has flown by incredibly quickly!
How Far Along: 13 Weeks!
Due Date: February 6, 2014
Boy or girl: Don’t know yet
Baby’s Development:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby’s tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you’re having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (about the size of a pea pod) and weighs nearly an ounce. –via babycenter.com
Movement: Nothing yet, though I’m expecting it any day now!
The Bump:
Symptoms: I have more good days than bad now, but there are definitely still some moments {like the last two mornings}. The headaches have been easing &I’ve been using the Zofran less. However, I am back to some crazy fatigue this week!
Cravings: Same as last week- BBQ chips, sour worms & Spaghetti-O’s, though the only one I’ve touched this week is the chips & I only had a few. I also craved gas station nachos pretty intensely over the weekend but didn’t get them because well, they’re gas station nachos.
Food aversions: Still meat, though I find myself {very, very} gradually getting better about it. I still can’t cook it but I can now eat a few dishes with it as long as it’s not the main ingredient.
What made me cry this week: Actually, nothing that I can think of.
Medical stuff/appointments: None this week.
Something I am excited about: I’ve started looking at names on occasion, but very casually. It’s a lot easier to pick names when you know the gender but I have found myself glancing a couple of times.
Something I am not so excited about: My insurance company is now requesting more information from my doctor regarding my morning sickness medicine, so in the meantime I’m about to run out without a refill in sight. &I go out of town for three days on Sunday. I may be paying out of pocket for this one- better that than not have it!
Baby purchases: I talked myself out of a super cute duckie bathrobe at Gymboree because I remember having one for Shane that he never used. So nothing this week!
Shane’s Thoughts: I’m adding this fun feature starting this week because Shane has been so cute about this whole thing! Last week, Shane asked me, “When the baby comes out, will it break your tummy?” He was super concerned &it was so cute! I was able to get away with “Nope- just like you didn’t break my tummy when you came out!” but I’m sure he’ll want to know more eventually. We’ll see how that goes.
This week, while I was on the phone with my mom, he asked to talk to her. He told her so much about the baby-
“Mom has a baby in her belly. It’s right here {points to my lower belly}.”
“We don’t know if it’s a brother or sister. We don’t get to decide.”
It was really fun listening to him talk about it without any prompting, because it showed me how much he really does understand & care about it.
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Pregnancy Reveal
How did your older child{ren} react to your pregnancy?
LyndaS says
How sweet. Shane will make a great big brother.
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
Congrats again on your pregnancy and glad it’s going well.
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? says
Things start to turn around for me around 13-14 weeks. I started feeling “human” again…and I felt movement super early this time, like 15-16 weeks!
Angela says
I’m so glad to see you’ll be doing a weekly bump update! Congrats on the pregnancy!
grammygoodwill says
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. I love those “weeks” signs. What a fun way to document this pregnancy.
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
Aw, “we don’t get to decide” is so precious!
Stefanie says
Congrats! My daughter is an only child, so I have no advise.
Lisa says
Congrats! You are through the first trimester so in theory the rest should be smooth sailing.
Sara Phillips says
“When the baby comes out, will it break your tummy?” … that is the cutest thing EVER!
I am glad you are starting to feel better!! Hopefully insurance moves quickly so you don’t have to pay out of pocket for your meds.
Mellisa says
This is so sweet! I remember how excited my son was when I was pregnant, that lasted till she was born..LOL!
Donna says
I love your weekly updates! I hadn’t started blogging when I was pregnant with my son, but would have loved to had updated my pregnancy on my blog. Isn’t it funny the crazy things we crave? 🙂
Tricia @ Night owl mama says
what a great way to journal your pregnancy so excited for u
Jennifer H says
aww he’s a proud big brother already
Sarah says
Yay to feeling better! I had a heart beat monitor with one of my pregnancies and the boys really liked listening to the heart beat with me once a day. It kind of helped them have something real to help “get it.”
Marcie W. says
I actually laughed out loud because I craved gas station nachos with my second child. I would get them with a ton of onions and that nasty pico de gallo like salsa!
Kathleen says
Oh boy, I craved spaghetti-o’s with my oldest, which is weird because I hated them before and have never wanted them after having him.
Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins says
With my son, I craved applesauce and pears mixed together and I would have a fit if my husband didn’t gout out and get me some. On, and I use to love eating sour worms, too!
Leilani says
My girls were super excited when they found out I was pregnant and having another baby.
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
It’s so hard not o buy all the cute stuff we see!
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
I’m happy that your headaches are starting to ease and all I wanted to eat with the Little was Italian food.
HilLesha says
The pregnancy journal is a wonderful idea! I wish I had done this with my children. 🙂
Becca @ Mama B says
You sure have some interesting cravings! Ahh, pregnancy. 😉
Toni says
You look adorable. And I am LOL at the gas station nachos because I am not pregnant and I crave gas station pizza and give into it everytime
Rachel @ Following In My Shoes says
It’s so funny how little kids think through and try to understand it all — based on their own experiences. I can remember laughing and laughing at some of the things my kids used to say with my last pregnancy.
Anne says
Glad you are feeling a little better!
Robin Gagnon says
It’s sweet that Shane is so excited about your lil’ peach 🙂
Tammy says
Amazing that the baby is so tiny yet already has fingerprints! Can’t wait to find out if Shane is getting a brother to rough and tumble with or a sister to protect!
Colleen says
The tiredness was the hardest for me especially with my second when I already had a child to take care of. Glad you are having more “good” days.
Meghan @JaMonkey says
I was out of the loop. Congrats on your pregnancy!
Jenn- The Rebel Chick says
Glad you are feeling better, headaches while pregnant are the worst.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy.com says
I’m glad to hear that you are having more good days then bad days now.