If your family is headed to the beach this summer, you can take a little bit of learning with you! Without much preparation, you can sneak in some educational aspects while still having a fun day on the beach. Of course, you don't need to make your whole vacation a … [Read more...]
Learning Through Play: A Trip to the Zoo
School's out and summer is in full swing! We're constantly looking for fun things to do. Not every activity through the summer has to be educational, but even when you're having fun there's always something you can learn about! Keep it light and easy they won’t even know they are … [Read more...]
Learning Through Play: Backyard Explorers Activity Ideas
If you have kids home for summer vacation {or are homeschoolers taking a break} but still want to include some fun and {sneaky} learning into their days, you can easily set up simple activities that will keep their minds and imaginations running and growing. Over the next few … [Read more...]
10 New Kids Art Projects to Try in 2015
These creative kids craft ideas are brought to you by a guest contributor. Most kids love to gather round the kitchen table to get their hands covered in glue and paint with arts and crafts activities. It can be more difficult to find original projects to try their little hands … [Read more...]
Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwiches Recipe
Shane loves helping in the kitchen. I let him whenever there’s something he can help with- so anything that doesn’t use the oven, the stove, a sharp kitchen tool, or raw ingredients that can make him sick. It sounds like that would eliminate a lot of recipes, but really it’s just … [Read more...]