Now that I’m about to have my second child, I’ve definitely been realizing that I’m a full fledged adult now. Granted, I have been for some time, but sometimes when I close my eyes I still feel like I'm back in school. Sometimes it’s high school, where I met Justin ten years ago … [Read more...]
Learning with Leo’s Pad!
Shane loves using the iPad, and I love letting him, provided that he’s using the right apps. I don’t mind him playing “just for fun” games sometimes, but typically I prefer to have him play games that are educational. He likes to try new apps a lot, but many of them end up … [Read more...]
LeapFrog Learn to Read Ultra eBooks Review
If Shane had to pick just one toy to play with forever, it’d be his LeapPad2. &I’d pick the same one for him- not only does it keep him engaged for much longer than most of his toys, but it is actually educational. I don’t think he’ll ever get bored of it either {at least not … [Read more...]
LeapPad2 Review and Giveaway!
Shane is really good with technology. He knew how to work an iPad before I did since he used one at my in-laws house, and knows how to do everything on my iPhone and Justin’s Android- and I can barely navigate the Android. There are a lot of educational games out there for kids … [Read more...]