The last couple of weeks have been more than a little crazy, so I missed updating last week. A lot of stuff has been the same for both weeks so I’m mostly posting for Week 21, but will touch on a couple of things from Week 20. How Far Along: 21 Weeks Due Date: February 6, 2014 … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Week 19
Now that our days have gotten busier, the weeks are going by even faster! I get the feeling that once the holiday season comes along, with all of the activities that includes, the rest of this pregnancy will go by in the blink of an eye! How Far Along: 19 Weeks Due Date: … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Week 18
Well, I’ve been crazy exhausted again this week, hence this post being a day late for the first time so far. I typically take a nap after Shane’s in bed & then stay up until late working on posts, straightening up the house, etc. but the last few nights, I’ve been either … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Week 17
It’s been a big week for my first born, so I’m not surprised that it has been for my second in that he or she is gaining weight crazy quickly these days. Apparently between weeks 15 & 20 baby doubles in weight, so I’m right in the middle of that! Maybe that explains the … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Week 16
I feel like Rip Van Winkle this week- I have spent so much time sleeping that the week just flew by! I can’t seem to keep my eyes open most of the time so I’m hoping this is just a phase. We have been particularly busy this month so that may be contributing, but I am still just … [Read more...]