Well, it’s official- I’m in the third trimester! I haven’t updated in awhile because between Halloween & my birthday last weekend, I’ve been playing catch-up around here as it is. But I thought that since this week marks the official start of the third trimester, I was … [Read more...]
Find Out How Far Along Your Pregnancy Is with the Clearblue Weeks Estimator Pregnancy Test
A few months ago, Justin told me that he was finally ready to try for another baby. The next day, I picked up an ovulation detection kit, downloaded several fertility apps onto my phone & started obsessively reading about things like basal temperatures & … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 24 & 25
It’s getting to be crunch time around here! With only a couple of weeks to go until the third trimester {not to mention the holiday season about to kick into high gear} we’ve been racing around trying to get this nest ready for baby. It’s been exhausting, and we definitely still … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 22 & 23
Well it’s been another busy couple of weeks! I feel like I just did an update &it’s been two full weeks. If this keeps up, baby will be here before I know it. Here’s hoping, right? How Far Along: 23 Weeks Due Date: February 6, 2014 Boy or girl: Baby BOY! Baby’s … [Read more...]