As a huge fan of the show Revenge, I was thrilled to see Emily VanCamp’s character, Agent 13, play a bigger part in Captain America: Civil War than she did in Winter Soldier. Her character reminds me of the one from Revenge- not afraid to stand up for what’s right, and willing to sacrifice everything for it.
Last month in LA I had the chance to interview Emily about how being a dancer helped her play Agent 13, what she dressed up as for Halloween for four years, and more!

You kicked some serious butt. Can you tell us about your training?
Emily VanCamp: It’s just a lot of working out really. I had already sort of done some training for Revenge so it was like an easier segue into the films but you want to go into these movies feeling really strong and feeling fit and I wanted be able to keep up really.
We were wrapping Revenge while I started training for the movie and I kind of realized how much I should have done that for Revenge. I mean I was fit doing Revenge but this is another level.
I was a dancer so all that physical activity’s great and sort of helps with the sequences and stuff because ultimately it’s choreography. I hope to get to do more of it.

Was there a scene that was particularly difficult for you?
Emily: I wouldn’t say difficult. I think in these movies you just don’t want to screw it up. Everyone’s bringing their “A game”.
It’s very rare that you go into a movie almost already knowing it’s going to be great and successful because historically they’ve been so successful. I was in Winter Soldier but not very much so it’s always a little intimidating. There’s that nervous factor before you go into it- but everyone’s so kind and generous and the Russo Brothers have always made me feel so comfortable. So I wouldn’t say difficult I just think you want to do the best job you can.
How do you feel knowing you’re going to go down in history as Agent 13?
Emily: It’s really cool. I mean being a part of this universe is really a special thing especially with the movies that they’re making and how good they are. It’s really cool and I’m really happy to do it with the people I’m doing it with because everyone’s great and super talented.
These movies could have been very sort of surface level but what I love about Marvel is how they delve into the characters. They sort of give us the freedom as well to create a version of the character that hopefully the fans will like and it’s a really fun process. So the fact that people love the movies is like an extra bonus.

What of you went into the character?
Emily: What I love about Sharon is her moral compass. I really enjoyed that but in terms of what I identify with- I love a girl with a strong moral compass and a lot of integrity and I think she really has that. I think you see her struggle with that within this film because she’s battling her work and her loyalty to her work.
Did you have a favorite superhero growing up?
Emily: I was obsessed with the Ninja Turtles, I’m not gonna lie. I was one for four years in a row for Halloween- I was trying to figure out, do they count as superheroes? I don’t know but that was my thing. I mean they probably inspired some of these characters I really like to play, I don’t know. I wanted to be the Ninja Turtles. I think I was Donatello one year and then Michelangelo for three years because I love pizza.
Which scene was the hardest for me to film as far as like the choreographed kind of action?
Emily: I really only have one proper fight sequence, so I probably didn’t need to do as much training as I did. They have the most incredible stunt team ever and they get you to a place where you’re really, really comfortable with the movement and you work it. It’s always challenging but it’s a lot of fun to be honest. I really love it.

How does it feel knowing that you’re going to be a role model for females and young girls?
Emily: I always hate it when I hear actors or musicians or people in the public eye say that they have no obligation to be any sort of role model. It’s not like you have an obligation, but you have a choice and why wouldn’t you choose to empower young women and use yourself as a vehicle when you have a voice to inspire that? I don’t see why you wouldn’t. I mean that’s not to say I’m always going to play this kind of character.
It’s amazing to play a girl like Sharon or a really tortured version of a woman when I played Emily Thorne. I just did a film called “The Girl in the Book” which is much more rooted in reality and much more real, but I also think she in her own way is strong and on her own adventures. I tend to pick characters that have those elements to it.
I guess in terms of being a role model, I know it’s not a responsibility but it’s something that I feel connected to. I have three sisters- I have wonderful women in my life. I want to see girls have the best opportunities they possibly can and if I can inspire that in the tiniest way I don’t see why I wouldn’t.
Captain America: Civil War hits theaters THIS Friday, May 6th! Whatever team you side with, be sure to follow Captain America: Civil War on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates! And don’t forget to tweet your allegiance using #TeamIronMan or #TeamCap– or if you aren’t into picking sides, you can just use #CaptainAmericaCivilWar!
Want more on Captain America: Civil War? Check out my interview with Chris Evans {Captain America}, interview with Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner {Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye}, and interview with Paul Bettany {Vision}! You can also see more photos from the movie here. Come back later this week for an interview with The Russo Brothers- as well as my non-spoilery review. You can also download these free printable superhero birthday party invitations– and keep an eye out for another special way to celebrate! {Hint: It’s delicious.}