A week from today, Captain America: Civil War comes out! Last week, we had the opportunity to interview two of the stars- Jeremy Renner {Hawkeye} and Elizabeth Olsen {Scarlet Witch}! Below, find out if they do their own stunts, if Jeremy Renner is interested in a Hawkeye movie, and how Elizabeth Olsen decided to take the part!

In the comics, Hawkeye is mostly deaf. Do you think they’ll introduce that into the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Jeremy Renner: I keep hearing about that. It isn’t really played out at this point, and not unless we say he’s got an amazing hearing aid or something…
Elizabeth Olsen: Or maybe you get to be in an explosion.
Jeremy Renner: That really wasn’t kind of part of the conversation. We were focused much more on the alternate version- not the big purple mask sort of guy- he’s much of the utility sort of guy. I don’t think it’s gonna play anytime- things are a little late.

Could you guys tell us a little bit about your stunts and how much was you and how much was the stuntmen?
Elizabeth Olsen: I think we do as many stunts as we can, and then a lot of times, they’ll film things when we’ve already been wrapped from the movie, when they’re in Germany, and they might do stuff then. But when we’re there, we do everything.
Jeremy Renner: Yeah, we just do it all. It’s almost just practical stuff. I don’t do CGI. I’ll say “most”- ninety-nine percent of the script. It’s fun- if I couldn’t, this would be a boring job.
Elizabeth Olsen: Also, I don’t like having a stunt person do what I do, anyway.

What inspired you to do the role of the Scarlet Witch?
Elizabeth Olsen: A few things. I was already a fan of Iron Man and The Avengers. I saw it with my dad when I working in Serbia. Then when I told my older brother, who loves comics- Z’s the person who can guess where everything’s going, and he’s right, somehow. I told him I was taking meetings with Joss, but I didn’t know what character it was going to be, and Joss started explaining to me who the Scarlet Witch was. He also said, “When you look at the comics, just know you will not look like that. I will not put you in a leotard, and cape, and a head cast.”
Then I started reading more about her journey, and I found the fact that her mind is the only thing that limits her and the possibility of this kind of insanity and being able to manipulate reality- that it even throws- that she can manipulate her own reality, those kinds of things, to me, are really cool. I didn’t know when they would come into play, or if they will, and I still hope we play around more with that part of her. I just think she’s a really cool character, and it’s a lot of opportunity for storytelling.

You reprised your role as Hawkeye- do you need extra training for the bow?
Jeremy Renner: I didn’t do any extra training. Every time, it’s a different sort of setup with the bow and what’s happening with the tech and stuff. On this one, the quiver’s different. Sometimes they could snap out and they put a different tip on the bottom. This one I really do a full extension… same gear, different tips.
There is a lot of action, but there’s a lot of humor in the movie. Did you guys improv, or was that just something they wrote in?
Jeremy Renner: Yeah the Russo Brothers {the Directors} were great. They’d always have alt lines for certain things and these sort of one-liners, and then they just let you kind of run with a bunch of different things, so I have no idea what makes a cut. They just want to have options for tone and pace and that sort of thing. That was probably the most fun part of the job- improvising- that was fun.

Was there ever any real-life tension between the actors?
Jeremy Renner: Real-life tension? No.
Elizabeth Olsen: No- it’s a lot of laughing. There’s a lot of jokes and a lot of inappropriate humor. Everyone’s a degenerate. I mean Paul Bettany is in such an uncomfortable costume and he’s sweating through these prosthetics, and he can’t take them off, and he’s so miserable- and he is still one of the funniest people on set. I think everyone just has a good attitude. If we complain, we complain, laugh about it, and move on because you can’t complain about it. It’s a really awesome job. And I think we all recognize that.
Was it difficult to change the dynamic that you have with Black Widow from the previous movie to this movie?
Jeremy Renner: I suppose there’s always different things that they serve up from the first time we’re together. There’s a lot of history with those characters. But I like working with Scarlett [Johansson] and I love that character of Widow. She’s a badass- her character and herself.
I just wish there was more. I love working with that character. I think they have a really good history together and a lot of secrets.

Jeremy, have you ever had a role that you were offered and you turned it down, and you regretted it?
Jeremy Renner: Never. I’m always happy with the decisions I’m making, so no regrets, ever, with anything in life- even when I make a mistake or do something wrong. As long as you learn and grow from it- that’s all that matters.
A lot of people are asking about a Hawkeye film. How would you feel if they came out with just Hawkeye?
Jeremy Renner: That’s above my paygrade, and I don’t make those decisions. There has to be a reason- not just throw it out there. But I do love the character. I’m always willing to do it- explore it more- until they kill me.
Captain America: Civil War hits theaters next Friday, May 6th! Whatever team you side with, be sure to follow Captain America: Civil War on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates! And don’t forget to tweet your allegiance using #TeamIronMan or#TeamCap– or if you aren’t into picking sides, you can just use #CaptainAmericaCivilWar!
Want more on Captain America: Civil War? Check out my interview with Chris Evans {Captain America} and my interview with Paul Bettany {Vision}! See more photos from the movie here and come back next week for interviews with Emily VanCamp {Agent 13} and The Russo Brothers- as well as my non-spoilery review. You can also download these free printable superhero birthday party invitations– keep an eye out next week for another special way to celebrate! {Hint: It’s delicious.}