This post is sponsored by Hasbro, but all opinions are my own.
My family absolutely loves playing games. We try to have a game night every week, and since we’ve been home so much this year we’ve been playing games more than ever! #Ad
While we have a ton of classic games that we play over and over, sometimes we really like to switch it up. Sometimes we even switch it up with different versions of our classic favorites- I think we’re up to ten different versions of Monopoly at this point and we still love it!

Every member of our family loves game night, including our pup Bella Notte. In fact, I think she loves it too much- she sometimes loves it too much and lays directly on the game board!
While I was looking for holiday gift ideas the other day, I realized that Hasbro has a line of pet-inspired games and I knew it was the perfect excuse to have a family game night that included the family- even Bella!

To kick off our pet themed game night, I picked up a couple of games at Walmart. I went with two versions of classic games that I know my family already loves- Operation: Pet Scan and the Sorry! Pets Behaving Badly game. I was SO excited to play them I declared a family game night immediately! Our family loves the classic Operation {even though I still jump at the buzzer} and the Sorry! game, so I knew these would be a hit.

Before our game night, I whipped up some treats- for the humans and the pup! First, I made bone shaped marshmallow treats for the humans- the night was going to be pet themed, after all. Marshmallows also happen to be Bella Notte’s favorite people food, so it’s possible that I snuck her a little bit of the mix.

But, since I really wanted her to be included, I made Bella her own treats, too! I made some homemade Bacon Cheddar Dog Biscuits using some rolled oats, mild cheddar, bacon, and an egg. It was my first time trying this particular recipe but a themed family party always calls for extra special treats! I can’t speak to how these turned out since I didn’t eat any of them obviously, but Bella seemed more than pleased with them.
With our snacks ready and Bella already sniffing the games, it was time to play!

First we played Operation: Pet Scan, which involves a dog who ate a whole bunch of stuff he shouldn’t have. {I’m pretty sure Bella’s puppy years were the inspiration for this game.} Instead of tweezers and tiny cavities to pull items from, you instead use a magnetic Dog-o-scope to try to coax the items through the digestive system, if you catch my drift.

When the buzzer sounds, the item drops, and if it falls out of his belly you end your turn. You take turns trying to help the poor doggo and the person with the most points at the end wins! While the entire game was a huge hit with my dudes, the best part had to be the bark and fart sounds, which they played with a LOT.

Next up, we played the Sorry! Pets Behaving Badly game, which is a hilarious twist on the classic game where you play as a pet who trashed the house! {Of course, Bella would NEVER! Just kidding, she sneaks food off the counter all the time when we aren’t home.}

In the game, you race to be the first pet to hide before the human gets home, which is a hilarious premise that had us laughing the whole time we were playing! We were all cracking up at the different Oops Cards- I had terrible luck with those- and the Poop Tokens were a huge hit!

These games may be versions of our favorite games, but they’re going to become classics in their own right around here. Operation: Pet Scan and the Sorry! Pets Behaving Badly game are hilarious and added so much laughter to family game night! These are going to be go-to games, which says a lot since we have two overstuffed game cabinets!
If you’re looking for fun games to add to your game collection- or to give as holiday gifts that any kid will love- be sure to check out these fun Hasbro games at your local Walmart or at!

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