This post is sponsored by on behalf of Mars Fish Care and the API brand.
It’s been a crazy year, and I think we are all looking at ways to destress these days. That extends to our kids as well! Since we haven’t been able to spend as much time with nature as we’d like lately, we decided to bring a little bit of nature to us- and destress a bit in the process.
Keeping fish is proven to reduce stress and improve mental health for both kids and adults. And for kids, it even helps them work on skills in science and math- something else we’re making sure to sneak in wherever we can these days!

Many families have been choosing to start fish tanks given the current environment. Whether you’re setting up a big tank with a huge community of tropical fish or you’re just putting up a small starter tank like we are, there are some things you’ll need to know from beginning to end.
Today, I’m sharing some tips I learned from the experts at Mars Fishcare {tips that I recently put into practice myself!} about setting up and properly tending to a freshwater tropical community tank.
I recently attended a webinar with Gary Jones from Mars Fishcare, and he walked us through the proper set up and maintenance of a tropical community fish tank. He also taught us how easy it can be to maintain the tank, and even shared some tips on how to get the kids involved.

Setting Up Your Fish Tank
What Do You Need to Set Up a Tropical Community Fish Tank?
There are a few things you will need when initially setting up your tank. The first step is to get all of the materials you need to get a tank up and running. That includes a fish tank, a heater, a filtration system, gravel, decorations, and a variety of products from API Fishcare. You’ll want:
API Stress Coat: This water conditioner makes tap water safe for fish by removing chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals from tap water. It also contains the healing power of Aloe Vera which reduces fish stress by up to 40% and can even heal damaged tissue and wounds. Stress Coat is scientifically proven to reduce stress and heal tissue by forming a synthetic slime coating on your fish, and can also help reduce fish susceptibility to disease and infection.
Use this product whenever you’re handling, netting, or adding fish to a bag to bring them home from the store; starting an aquarium; performing water changes; adding new fish to your aquarium.
API Quick Start: This product contains nitrifying bacteria, which allows for the instant addition of fish to your tank! It immediately starts the natural aquarium cycle with bacteria that are good for your fish, which converts ammonia into nitrite, then into nitrate which is harmless.
Use this product when starting a new aquarium; after water changes; after filter changes; and when adding new fish to an existing aquarium.
API Stress Zyme: This bacterial cleaner contains over 300 million live bacteria per teaspoonful to consume sludge and help cut down on maintenance. This product helps to keep your aquarium cleaner, keeps your fish healthier, and ensures a good water quality.
API Accu-Clear: This water clarifier helps to clarify cloudy water in your aquarium by eliminating haze. It clumps tiny floating particles together, allowing them to become large particles that can more easily be removed by your filter.
API Aquarium Salt: Aquarium salt seems weird to add to a freshwater tank, but it’s important! It’s full of essential electrolytes that improve gill function and even improve the color and vitality of fish.
Use Aquarium Salt any time you’re adding new water to a tank, including when starting a new tank and any time you perform a water change.
API 5-in-1 test strips: These super easy to use- and easy to read- test strips are a quick and easy way to test the 5 most important parameters: pH, KH, GH, nitrate, and nitrite. Just dip the strip and swirl around a couple of times, then compare to the included chart to check your tank for invisible water problems that can harm your fish if left untreated.
Use these strips when setting up your tank, and then once a week. You can also use them if you have reason to think something may be amiss in your tank.
API Tropical Flake Food: This specially designed food is perfectly suited to tropical fish like Angelfish, Tetras, and Barbs.

Preparing Your Fish Tank
Once you have everything you need, the next step is to set it all up. You’ll want to fill the tank, install the heater and the filtration system, and treat the water.
Previously, treating the water and getting everything acclimated for several days before adding fish was normal. Now because of API products- especially API Stress Coat, you can add your fish to the tank immediately! You will just need to make sure the temperature of the water in your tank is correct for the type of fish you are getting and that’s it!

How to Choose What Type of Fish to Get for a Starter Tank
There are a few things to consider when deciding what kinds of fish to add to your tank. All the different types must have similar needs- they should thrive in similar water conditions and at the same temperature since there’s no way around them having that in common.
You will want to make sure to get fish that get along with each other- information about this is available online or you can ask the associate at your pet store.
Of course, you must also keep in mind the size of your tank when deciding how many fish to get. While fish at the pet store tend to be tiny, many grow to be a lot larger and you’ll need to keep that in mind when deciding how many fish to get.
It’s fun including the kids in choosing the fish- I brought my boys to help me decide which ones to get. Just make sure to establish guidelines before you even walk into the store so that no one gets upset when you can’t get their favorite fish.
Make sure they know:
- You can’t put a saltwater fish in a freshwater tank
- You’re looking for fish that will get along
- You need to take care not to crowd your tank- while keeping in mind that some species like to school so you might HAVE to get a few of one kind!
How to Add Your New Fish to Your Tank
When you bring your new fish home, be sure to let the bag sit on the fish tank water for 15-30 minutes to let the water acclimate. Then you can introduce your fish into the tank!
Be sure to treat your tank at this time with API Quick Start, API Stress Coat, and API Aquarium Salt {if you didn’t add that before} to make sure that your fish are off to a good start.

Getting the Kids Involved in Fish Care
Once your tank is set up, make it really clear to your kids how they can be involved in caring for the fish going forward. If your kids are older, they might be able to help with treating the fish tank on a regular basis. Even the littlest kids can help feed the fish! Be sure to set ground rules- no feeding without supervision {depending on their age}, and no treating the water unless you tell them.
Tip for feeding: Always have your kids feed the fish using the cap and not straight from the bottle. If the bottle dumps on accident it can make a big mess and require a big cleaning and possibly even a water change. Have kids pinch a little bit and drop it into the cap, and then dump the cap into the tank. And only feed whatever the fish can eat in 2-3 minutes!

How to Perform Maintenance on Your Fish Tank- and How Often
Be sure to stay on top of your maintenance! This is what you’ll need to do:
Daily: Feed fish 2-3 times a day. Only feed them what they can eat in 2-3 minutes. Check the temperature of the water to ensure it’s within the proper range for the type of fish you have.
Weekly: Test water every week using API 5-in-1 Strips to check the five most important parameters.
Every 2 weeks: Do a 25% water change using a siphon to clean the gravel. Add new water, and treat your tank for the amount of water you’ve added with API Stress Coat, API Quick Start, and API Aquarium Salt.
Once a month and/or as needed: Change fish tank filter cartridge.

The API Fishcare brand has been a pioneer in the aquatics industry for almost 60 years, and their passion for fishkeeping shows through in their products. I remember having a variety of their products in my home when I was a kid and we had goldfish, and now they have so many more helpful products that make having fish easier than ever!
They have tests, water conditioners, medications, and food for a variety of different fish and can really help a beginner like me feel more confident starting up a new tank! While our tank is still new, I never would have had the courage to start up a tank without these products that really do make it a lot more simple.
You can learn more about the API Fish Care products you’ll need to start your tank on their website.

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