This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SuperAbsorbent #CollectiveBias
Over the weekend, Shane turned 7! While it sometimes seems like he was a baby just yesterday, sometimes it’s clear just how far we have all come. Shane has grown so much, from learning to walk and talk to learning to read and finding a love of video games. Justin and I have grown a lot too- seven years ago we were brand new to this whole parenting thing, and now we feel like old pros!
Of course there are many parenting challenges still ahead for us, but having raised two boys to toddlerhood {and beyond, in Shane’s case} we have found ourselves to be the “experienced” parents that our friends come to with questions! Whether we’re sharing tips on getting babies to sleep or sharing products we wish we would have known about {little Huggies Little Snugglers Plus and Huggies Little Movers Plus at Costco} we love sharing tips about things we wish we would have known all that time ago!
There are some things I’ve learned along the way that I always suggest to new parents that ask us for advice. There are a few things that would have made my life easier, if only I would have known! If I could go back in time and tell 2009 me what I know now, I would tell myself to take the advice that everyone gave me to sleep when Shane slept- I was more or less a walking zombie for the first year or so.
I also wish I would have known that watching your baby hit milestones shouldn’t be a rush- not only will kids reach milestones on their own schedule, but you’ll be up for new challenges once they do! A mobile baby means a baby who can get into anything & everything, and I would have enjoyed that pre-crawling time much more if I wasn’t waiting anxiously for him to get moving.
Another big thing I wish I could tell my new-mom self is a trick I picked up when Zac came around- to keep most of my on-the-go necessities in the car! When I would bring Shane places as a baby, I would carry half the house with me in the diaper bag. I always worried that I would need something while I was out and I wouldn’t be able to get it.
However, I found it difficult to get around with a giant diaper bag on one shoulder and a squirmy toddler on the opposite hip- and my neck was constantly hurting from the weight of it! When I had Zac, I knew I couldn’t do that again. It was hard enough to do that with one baby- trying to do it with a baby and a preschooler was going to be next to impossible. So instead, I took a minute to prioritize what I needed- and where.
While we didn’t know about them when Shane was little, we’ve been stocking up on Little Movers Plus for Zac for a long time and we absolutely love them. Little Movers Plus diapers come in sizes 3-6 and are perfect for babies always on the go {like Zac}! They have Double Grip Strips to help them stay on the most active babies, and Leak Lock which keeps them dry for up to 12 hours.Have a younger baby? Little Snugglers Plus diapers come in Sizes Newborn, 1, and 2 and are designed to keep baby’s skin clean and healthy. They are the softest Huggies diapers and also have Leak Lock Protection, so you don’t have to worry as much about accidents.
Huggies Little Snugglers Plus and Huggies Little Movers Plus are only available at Costco. You can stock up with a large box for a great price and even better, there’s a sale going on next month:
-Little Snugglers Plus (Sizes 1 & 2) – $37.49, $31.49 after $6 discount and Free shipping (this offer valid 9/1 to 9/25)
-Little Movers Plus (Size 3, 4, 5, & 6) – $42.99, $36.99 after $6 discount and Free shipping (this offer valid 9/1 –to 9/25)
-Starting in August Little Snugglers Plus will also be available in size Newborn starting – $29.99 available in select warehouses and online at