You finally decided to take the plunge and start eating a Paleo diet. You’ve got all the food lists and made your shopping list and gone to the store. After you’ve checked out, you realize one thing – this way of eating can be a whole lot more expensive.
Good news- it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few tips to help you eat well without breaking the bank:
Meat: It can be really expensive buying pasture raised or grass fed beef in your local grocery store. Your best bet for saving money is to find a local provider who raises the beef themselves. Even with processing and locker charges, you are likely to save $3-$4 per pound. Doing a little extra work to find a person to grow your beef or pork can pay off big!
If you can’t find a farm nearby where you can buy your meat, buy cheaper cuts of meat and make soups or stews. Cooking cheaper cuts of meat for longer periods of time in a slow cooker makes them much softer and they taste just as delicious as more expensive cuts.
Vegetables: This really seems like basic advice, but buy what’s cheap! Buy onions, cabbage and carrots and whatever is on sale that week. Try to spend $2 or less per pound or just don’t buy it. Yes, there are some things you will never buy, but if they don’t fit in the budget, you don’t need them! Keep growing seasons in mind when choosing vegetables- tomatoes you can find in the winter are going to be way out of the budget.
A local provider can also help you cut costs with veggies as well. You could even make it extra local- another way to get those things that might cost too much in the store is to grow it yourself if the weather and growing seasons in your area allow.
Oils: Get a club warehouse membership and buy your oils there. Coconut oil can cost you around $5 a pound there and it’s much less expensive than buying in smaller jars. Check out olive oil prices at those places too! {Tip: Clubs are also a great place to buy almonds and other nuts for making flours.}
Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein and can sub for meat in a number of different ways. Prices have gone up in the last year or so due to a shortage, but they’re still cheaper than relying on meat all the time. To save even more, see if you can find a local provider for eggs and negotiate a discount for buying multiple dozen each month.
Make sure you eat why you are buying. It really is throwing money away if you don’t eat it. Make a menu and stay with it. Know what you have in your home and eat it. Don’t buy more food than you can eat in the time the food will stay good. There’s not any need to stockpile! Look for recipes for making your own at home, especially for snacks.
These ideas should help you get started with your Paleo diet and keep you from breaking the bank. Keeping these rules in mind will also allow you to get those special treats on occasion without throwing your whole budget out of tune! Most of all relax, plan a bit, and enjoy better health!
Psst! Don’t miss my Paleo Recipes board on Pinterest for lots of recipe ideas & inspiration!